Cost Per Booking As users continue to competitively shop for flights and rides, our goal is to find you new customers at the price point that works for your business user acquisition goals. The Peak Platform drives customers who install, engage with your app, and book flights, cruises, ride, or hotel rooms, while you only […]
Finding Committed Streaming Subscribers Cost Per Subscription Streaming services often have both ad and subscription models, but the driver of the business is subscribers. Our Peak Platform drives customers from install to trial to paid subscription, while you only pay for the ultimate goal through Nuclearad Cost Per Results pricing. We will work with you […]
Food & Grocery
Cost Per Order Restaurants and food delivery apps continue to ramp up their business to match the modern consumer. Nuclearad provides them with a platform to find new users that engage, order, and provide long term value as regular customers. Driving Pickups and Deliveries for Food & Grocery Apps Whether the goal is orders, offer […]
Acquiring Users That Transact For fintech and finance apps, customer relationships start when they first deposit or transfer money. Nuclearad optimizes against user lifetime value to target people that are more likely to transact after installing the app. Are you looking for Advertising methods? Total Advertising Service Will Be The Solution For You! Finance apps […]